Thursday, September 13, 2012

Aztaro Reviews: Absence and "How Secure is My Password"

Hello, sorry I haven't updated, posted a "sorry busy" or anything. Just had some moments in life happening, college starting and overall general distractions that come around. I'll leave it as that and begin trying to keep somewhat of a regular schedule.

While in my absence I had found something so simple it was rather amusing. Simple password tester that tells you how long it'd take a computer to hack that password.

Aztaro Reviews: How Secure is My Password

This site is a truly knowledge based one, this isn't a scam to get passwords because it asks for no emails, account names, etc... Pretty much the site is a "how long could a computer take to hack you" sort of thing and help you learn about password importance. A little fun fact about passwords is the most used or common ones that were [and sometimes still are], 1234 or continued count to reach minimal character length, password and qwerty. It's interesting to learn that a password you had sense you were a child and thought no one could guess is easily hacked within minutes or even seconds. Giving a personal example I used a password I had sense I was a child and still occasionally check that account, never been hacked and not just a single word but a code, can be cracked in 52 seconds. This kind of shocked me, something that I had in code, could be hacked in less than a minute. This site is really fun and a good check for when you need to make a new password, to consult. Heck my friend added his and it said it would take 3 days, added 3 numbers at the end and it jumped to almost 2 months, it shows how much a little change in a password could mean a wonderful computer experience or a nightmare.

Site is right here: How Secure is My

Even if you don't plan on using it, try to find a password that will take it more than a million years to crack that isn't you smashing your hands all over the keyboard and numberpad