I might have taken to long to analyze this, it's hard to get the temperature just right so that the rock just doesn't explode and I had a few close calls bu... wait... it's a program? Well I hope getting pelted by rocked was worth something
Reviews: Rockmelt "It's not a browser, it's a WOWser"
[Update] Site: Rockmelt.com
Rockmelt is the social individuals internet browser, the creators had made a fast and stable browser and integrated Facebook into the tool bars so you can check on the latest scoop without losing your current page. You can also Facebook chat and add apps so you can get to your favorite websites easier. There isn't much else to say about this but the fact is that it's a fast browser with Facebook inside of it.
Maybe I should have studied it a bit more, kind of short review
Personal thoughts [once again, skip this if you would rather not waste time with opinions]: It's exactly that, a browser with Facebook duck taped to it, the only thing I had problem with was that it was VERY [if not very, exactly like] Googles browser Chrome but with Facebook strapped to it. Sure the pages load fast but if you really pay attention you can't click on anything for a few seconds [would have left that out but it applies to both so, yay it stays in]. Other than the speed issue and almost completely ripping off Chrome, it is actually a really good idea for people who check Facebook constantly.
So for people who have Facebook as part of their life or you want to be in the know when it's known, this is a good browser to look at. Even if you aren't the apps are pretty handy so if not for Facebook, just give it a once over before saying "Nope, not my style".
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